Be stoked this school year! Bring Makey Makey to your classroom.
Check out the awesome projects by students at Beurling Academy!
During the month of April, Grade 9 Beurling Academy students participated in a collaborative project where the goal was to make an adaptive gaming controller for someone with a physical impairment.
Along with guidance from teachers Mr. Swiderski & Ms. Anwar, students were able to incorporate Makey Makey, recycled cardboard and Play doh to design, plan and build gaming controllers that level the playing field.
These students did some exceptional work! We love seeing students focus on empathy when designing for others.
Read more about this school group in this article.
We've partnered with Makers Making Change this year to help spread ideas about accessibility and you can participate!
If you want to learn more about creating assistive technology with students, check out our next free workshop with Makers Making Change chapter leaders Katie Butzu and Mark Lyons!
Sign up for the Assistive Tech Hula Hoop Workshop: |
In this session, Michigan Makers Making Change Chapter Leaders Katie Butzu and Mark Lyons will teach you how to turn a yoga ball into a therapy ball.
Supplies Needed for the DIY Therapy Ball: Yoga ball, aluminum foil tape, speaker wire, and for the switches: cardboard, wire strippers, Duct tape, glue stick, scissors, and a Makey Makey kit.
Sign up for the Third Workshop: |
We've been collecting resources for using Makey Makey as an assistive technology devices and compiled on this epic blog post.
Check out: Assistive Technology, Occupational Therapy, and More Accessibility Resources |