Be the life of the party with the new Makey Makey DIY Party Pack!
JoyLabz / Makey Makey is excited to be part of the Maker Music Festival that will go live this weekend May 15-16, 2021.
We are so excited, we will be debuting our new SAMPLER APP this weekend with the Maker Music Festival!
Check out our new Sampler! |
Here is a teaser of some of the amazing musical projects that will be shared this weekend.
We have a whole building of Makey Makey exhibits in our virtual building space dedicated to Makey Makey projects.
Meet the Maker: Lonershy, maker of
— MakerMusicFestival (@MakerFestival) April 18, 2021
the Makey Makey Typewriter Music Machine, an old typewriter modded to control midi in Ableton using a #MakeyMakey board. Part of the @makeymakey showcase at #makermusicfestival #mmf21 #experimentalinstrument #STEMprojects #STEAM #music #DIY
Head to Maker Music Festival |
There are 35 live sessions happening at Maker Music Festival this weekend from all over the world!
Look who’s coming to Maker Music Festival this weekend! @EighthRikks will be holding a workshop on Saturday, 5/15 at 7am PT / 4pm CET. Details on our website on 5/13 @makeymakey @Makemefamily @LEGO_Group @LEGO_Education #makersgoglobal #mmf21 #musicmakers
— MakerMusicFestival (@MakerFestival) May 11, 2021
Check out @frazermerrick's Episode #1 of his #Photonsmasher video series. Thrilled to have @frazermerrick as part of the Maker Music Festival and he is active in the @hackoustic & @makeymakey communities too. #music #Educators #STEM #STEAM #youngmakers #makers #Electronics #sound
— MakerMusicFestival (@MakerFestival) May 2, 2021