Get ready for your New Year's Party with our DIY Party Pack!
Erik recently took our online training course for teacher trainers with Tom Heck. During this course, teachers learn ways to use Makey Makey in the classroom and these teachers are immersed in the "demo or die" process by creating an invention for a real life design challenge. We encourage whimsical problem-solving where a Makey Makey invention can be a creative solution.
Erik has four cats and one dog. His wife is an educator teaching from home just like him. The cats are happy to have their owners home and they keep looking for attention. However, Erik wears headphones a lot (for the many Zoom calls that these days call for) and he often doesn't hear his cats scratching on his door looking for attention.
How can he find out when his cats need attention while he's still wearing his headphones?
Want to make your own? Erik shared this tutorial on Instructables!