Get ready for your New Year's Party with our DIY Party Pack!
The Créa'Num challenge is a creative and digital competition for teachers from Lille regional education territory (North of France). It is powered by INSPÉ Lille - Hauts-de-France through its educational fablab : the Minilab/Créalab.
The main objective of the challenge is to promote innovative and creative uses of digital technology in education. It's also to develop a "learning by doing" educational approach as well as promoting teamwork, interdisciplinary making, inclusion, and free sharing of educational resources.
The competition aims to reward students and teachers who have designed both an interactive educational object made with electronics and the educational process it's included in.
The first Crea'num edition award ceremony was held in November 25 2020. We helped sponsor this challenge, and gave 14 teachers and students teachers-to-be, from 9 winner teams, a Makey Makey that they will use with their pupils in the future, based on technical and pedagogical skills they acquired and demonstrated.
We wanted to share some of the amazing teacher projects that came to fruition during this challenge.
Since the videos are all in French, you can auto-translate in Youtube by turning on "Closed Captions" and auto-translate to the language of your choice!