Get ready for your New Year's Party with our DIY Party Pack!
We know parents and teachers are working with their kids at home for the next few weeks, so we wanted to compile some great resources we've seen shared by famous authors and illustrators. A lot of these creators are doing live events to help all of us with keeping our kids learning and loving literacy, music, and making. We will keep posting new ideas for parents and teachers everyday so check back often! We are in this together.
One of our favorite making and literacy activities is to read Doll-E 1.0 by Shanda McCloskey and then make your own talking robot or doll with Scratch and everyday stuff. If you haven't read it, you can hear Shanda read it from one of our most recent webinars.
Plus, here is a great guide for making your creation and coding it with Scratch!
Get the Guide |
Fan of Piggie and Gerald? Just yesterday Mo Willems launched a new lunch time doodles show to help connect us when isolated at home. Check out his videos on the Kennedy Center site. New shows are posted each weekday at 1 ET!
Storyline online has actors reading favorite pictures and every picture book even has a teacher guide to go with it! Each book seems to have writing activities and making activities. This is a great place to have some of your kid's favorite books read to you and then there are great activities to accompany them!
Josh Funk is livestreaming some of his books and has free activities and guides for parents on his webpage.
Jarrett J. Krosoczka, author and illustrator of the Jedi Academy is doing live drawing workshops everyday! Find out more on his Facebook or his Youtube channel.
Sing fun songs after reading a great picture book with Emily! Emily is live streaming "moments of music, stories, and mindfulness for all ages."
Author and Illustrator Dan Santat has a great sense of humor, we aren't sure what content he'll be offering up here, but I bet it will help bring some comic relief to your new daily routine!
Dreading the thought of being quarantined at home with your family? I've created a new online learning program to hopefully help fix that anxiety. I call it the SANTAT ONLINE SURVIVAL SCHOOL FOR THE PANDEMIC
— Dan Santat 😷 (@dsantat) March 16, 2020
Earn Badges. Learn skills. Don't panic!
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I will be reading from my Two Dogs in a Trench Coat series every week day at 4 pm est. I'll also read my picture books when the illustrators and I can coordinate (more fun to read together!). Two Dogs in a Trench Coat Go to School chapter 1 tomorrow on Instagram Live at 4 pm!
— Julie Falatko (@JulieFalatko) March 15, 2020