Be stoked this school year! Bring Makey Makey to your classroom.
We love the innovative ways that educators (in both formal and informal learning spaces) introduce learners to the concept of physical computing with Makey Makey and coding languages like: Scratch, Processing, and Python. Each month, we will feature an educator and a unique project they've worked on recently. To read more educator posts, simply sign up for our newsletter to get the news first!
Chelsea Rutledge is an Algebra 1 and Geometry teacher at Calera Highschool a 6A school that is quickly growing in the Shelby County School District! We noticed Chelsea's students testing out assistive devices they made on Twitter and we just had to know more!
Calera High School STEM Showcase. Awesome project by students in Ms. Rutledge’s class to create assistive devices for students with special needs using @makeymakey technology!
— Shelby Co Schools AL (@Shelbyedk12alus) April 22, 2019
We just love the concept of kids creating assistive technology for other students What inspired you?
While sitting in STEM training, the idea popped into my head. I could not stop thinking about it and I knew that I had to try. I have always held a special place in my heart for special needs kids, and I really wanted to do something for them.
What was the challenge or instructions you presented to the students?
I told my students that I wanted us to make technology devices for the kids. We started with an interview. They had to meet their kid and get to know them before they started building. Based on that knowledge, they created (from scratch) something that was designed specifically for their kid. I didn’t tell them what they could/couldn’t do, I told them to come up with an idea and we would go with it.
Can you share some of your favorites that the students made?
What is your advice for others who want to try this with their students?
Do you have any pics or videos you’d want to share?
The same week we saw Mrs. Rutledge's amazing class projects, we also learned about the #vestbuddy!
Jill Berrner is a 5th grade teacher at Olinda Elementary School in the Brea Olinda Unified School District. Her students created #vestbuddy to help another student communicate!
These students created wearable technology for a peer when he can't be near his communication tablet. How cool is this? We hope these inventors keep changing the world with their great and kind ideas!
This is one of the best things ever! Check out these 6th graders #vestbuddy invention using Makey Makey and Raspberry Pi! @Raspberry_Pi @JillBerrner @BreaOlindaUSD
— Makey Makey (@makeymakey) April 26, 2019
Check out these great videos about #vestbuddy to hear from the kids about their creation! These students are truly amazing! It is great to see empathy and design thinking shine in this project.