Free Makey Makey Classes on Instructables for Teachers and Makers!

March 26, 2020

Are you new to Makey Makey? We just published two free classes for educators and makers on Instructables! 


If you are new to Makey Makey and want to get familiarized with our invention kit, head on over to the "Intro to Makey Makey Class." 

You'll learn how to build and experiment with simple circuits. You'll test for conductivity in various items. You'll build switches. You'll also design and share interactive pieces of art. You'll learn how to code with one of the world's best and most popular (and free!) coding programs. If you’ve never used Makey Makey before, make sure to go through the first time set up before kicking off the first lesson!


Take the Intro to Makey Makey Class


If you've used Makey Makey for awhile, but want to learn about output, remapping, and the back of the board, check out the "Advanced Makey Makey Class."

This is an advanced class for makers that have moved beyond the banana piano and are looking for more complex ideas. If you are new to Makey Makey, make sure you take the introductory class first!

This is a great class for makers who want to go further with their inventions! You’ll learn how to use those headers on the back of the board, light LEDS, remap the default keys on your Makey Makey, and even launch a design challenge!


Take the Advanced Makey Makey Class


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