Get ready for your New Year's Party with our DIY Party Pack!
It's almost Halloween! This whole post is dedicated to hacking Halloween with your Makey Makey Invention Kit.
From pumpkin pianos to witch hats, we've compiled a list of great ideas for your halloween!
Let's get started....
Yes! You can light LEDS and string lights with your Makey Makey inventions! Check out this brilliant tutorial from Brilliant Labs:
This video is a classic! Got Makey Makey? Check! Pumpkins? Check! Wanna make a piano? Check! Now this is even easier and more adjustable with our new Makey Makey Piano app!
What's your favorite hack in the Haunted Mansion? Pepper's Ghost? Ours too! Check out this awesome Makey Makey invention that triggers a pumpkin Pepper's Ghost phenomena! (Bet you can't say that five times fast!)
This is such a cool project idea from!
And now you can even plug and play this concept with our new Sampler app!
Maybe instead of a piano you want to make your pumpkins scream? Plus you can add your own sounds with our Makey Makey Sampler app.
Marie-Pier Ménard Richard posted this great idea on our Makey Makey Educator group. Read below to make your own witch hat alarms.
“We are working on a candy thief alarm system on our witch hat candy holder and revising some geometry notions at the same time.
I'm working on this project with a grade 4 class currently learning the ropes of our school Cricut Explorer and revising last years geometry curriculum.
Here is the template of the witch hat candy bowl. (You might need a Cricut account to view the template.)
In teams of 2 to 4 students, they had to customize their candy bowl by folding and building everything. I cut the 3 sizes of circles, the band, and the spiders ahead to save some time. I asked one group of 4 student to cut some of the pieces.
I ran out of foil paper so we used copper tape to figure a way to build a circuit.
They had to program the code first to make sure they had a working program and then go by trial and error about connecting the two parts of the hat.
Link to the lesson: Makey Makey Lesson on Alarms
I used the Makey Makey lesson about alarms to guide them with the coding part since this group is new to coding and Makey Makey. Some connected the down arrow and earth cable on the base, using the pointy part to close the circuit and some other teams connected the earth to the base and the down arrow to the pointy part.
They either recorded their own message/sound or used one from this sound effect web site: Free Sound Effects
We did it in two sessions of 50 minutes (first for building and second to code and connect).”