Hands-Free Contest at Instructables

August 31, 2020

We are co-sponsoring a "Hands-free" contest with Instructables and Epam Continuum and wanted to catch you up on the invention ideas so far and give you a nudge because there is still time to enter!



Check out the Contest


To kickoff this contest, we held a webinar with inventors brainstorming ideas for hands-free invention ideas.

Goal For Contest 

Our goals for this program are to promote a culture of invention and empower as many kids as possible to make contact-less solutions that promote safer interaction with people and the environment. We hope to reach tons of parents and kids with this message and see submissions from a magnitude of families. 

There are only two weeks left to enter the contest, so create your invention idea and share today!

Need help with your first Instructables?

Intriguing Contest Entries 

The Hands-Free Room by Avrohshah

This hands-free room prototype by 6th grader Avrohshah is really cool because he prototypes what a hands-free room would look like by using Scratch and Makey Makey. Check out how his room works by viewing the video below. (Vote for "The Hands-Free Room" on Instructables.) 

The Magic Door by Coding4Kids

Mustafa's Magic Door project also prototypes a hands-free door opener with Scratch and Makey Makey. 

3D Printed Key Light Switch by 

This is a really intriguing idea where only user can turn lights off and on. The 3D printed cover allows only one user with a key to turn lights off and on. This is such a neat design and interesting idea! How could you use this with a Makey Makey invention?


Anti-Covid Catcher Bag by 

Always losing your mask? This 13 year old has a brilliant sewing hack for that! Make your own wearable bag to store clean face masks and even access your hand sanitzer!

Decorate and Use Your Bag

Touchless Dog Handwash Timer by 

This 8th grader designed a touchless hand-wash timer with Arduino Nano and an ultrasonic sensor and a 3D designed case.

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