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We are co-sponsoring a "Hands-free" contest with Instructables and Epam Continuum and wanted to catch you up on the invention ideas so far and give you a nudge because there is still time to enter!
Check out the Contest |
To kickoff this contest, we held a webinar with inventors brainstorming ideas for hands-free invention ideas.
Our goals for this program are to promote a culture of invention and empower as many kids as possible to make contact-less solutions that promote safer interaction with people and the environment. We hope to reach tons of parents and kids with this message and see submissions from a magnitude of families.
This hands-free room prototype by 6th grader Avrohshah is really cool because he prototypes what a hands-free room would look like by using Scratch and Makey Makey. Check out how his room works by viewing the video below. (Vote for "The Hands-Free Room" on Instructables.)
Mustafa's Magic Door project also prototypes a hands-free door opener with Scratch and Makey Makey.
This is a really intriguing idea where only user can turn lights off and on. The 3D printed cover allows only one user with a key to turn lights off and on. This is such a neat design and interesting idea! How could you use this with a Makey Makey invention?
Always losing your mask? This 13 year old has a brilliant sewing hack for that! Make your own wearable bag to store clean face masks and even access your hand sanitzer!
This 8th grader designed a touchless hand-wash timer with Arduino Nano and an ultrasonic sensor and a 3D designed case.