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What: 4 Collaborative Projects For an Epic Hour of Code with Splats and Makey Makey!
When: Thursday, November 12, 5PM ET / 4PM CT / 3PM MT / 2PM PT
Duration: 60 Minutes
Join our Hour of Code webinar where you'll hear from Dr. Splats (aka Amon Millner) and Eric Rosenbaum, co-inventor of Makey Makey about their favorite HOC projects for virtual and hybrid learning. These 4 activities will focus on creativity and collaboration to engage students with items from around the house and get them interacting with their classmates on Zoom or from 6 feet apart.
In this webinar you will learn:
Have students draw the onomatopoeia word for their sound. Collect all of them and plug into the last project to have one project that has all the sounds from all the students.
Ask students to find something in their house or room to interview. Imagine the questions you might ask the object and how it might respond!
Ask students to create a project in Scratch to showcase their interview! Here are more resources for this project: