Be stoked with Makey Makey and our Code-a-Key Backpack (micro:bit adapter)!!!
Last summer we debuted our Teacher community on Instructables, so we are really stoked about this contest on Instructables featuring Makey Makey! There are some really awesome guides being shared with cool ideas we haven't thought of and we wanted to highlight a few for our readers.
We are digging this guide by Nathan Sekinger because it really harkens to one of our core concepts of Invention literacy. In this Instructables, makers design and create a 3d printed video game controller, and then experiment with conductive items to use as their Makey Makey touchpads. Head on over to Instructables and check it out!
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If you are new to Scratch, this is a great first Instructables from Makey Makey ambassador Nadia Al-Aboody. Nadia is the first educator to bring Makey Makey to Iraq! She runs a Coder Dojo and she we are wowed by her passionate enthusiasm to bring coding and invention to her community.
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Know what is better than an interactive poster? A show and tell display! We loved how this guide could be tailored to any curriculum concept. Head over to the Instructables and check it out!
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Makerkiddo just made our day with this project! In this Instructables he shows you how to create your own Photo Booth with Scratch or Tynker. We can't wait to try this one ourselves!
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How can you mend a broken heart? Check out this epic Valentine's Project to find out!
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There are only 5 days left to enter this Makey Makey Instructables contest! Now is the time to dust off those pictures you took of your last Makey Makey project, write up a nice how-to and enter this contest!