Make Therapeutic Exercise Fun: Webinar with Makers Making Change

October 07, 2020

Join us for an information session with Makey Makey and Makers Making Change to become eligible for a free Makey Makey and free interactive course designed for creating easy DIY assistive technology for occupational, speech, and physical therapists.

 Full Post on Makers Making Change

In this intro session, Michigan Makers Making Change Chapter Leaders Katie Butzu and Mark Lyons demonstrate how Makey Makey can be used educational and therapeutic practices.

Entering the Makey Makey Course Contest

Once you’ve attended one of our intro sessions, you’ll have the opportunity to enter the contest to win free entry into the Makey Makey course!

Click on only one date to register and attend: 

In your submission, just explain how you’d use the Makey Makey in your practice and who you would use it with. Submissions due by midnight Nov 7 2020.

The top 10-15 entries  with the best ideas for use cases will win entry into the course. The course works best when you have a client and specific use case in mind.  

Winners will be sent a Makey Makey kit, and some materials for making their projects!

Full Interactive Course takes place Dec 3 2020 at 5pm EST

What Happens with the Completed Makey Makey Projects?

Jan 26, 2021 is our Makey Makey Show and Tell. At this webinar, participants will showcase their projects. The participant with the most creative use of the Makey Makey will win the grand prize!  Afterwards, we will highlight all projects in a blog.

We will also add all designs onto the Makers Making Change website and forum. This way, other disability professionals and their clients will benefit!


Register now to learn more about this exciting device and course! 

As a mission based company, JoyLabz is excited to partner with Makers Making Change and Katie and Mark to help spread the word on DIY assistive technology.


(Updated to include links from our live Webinar!)

Links from Webinar on October 15th

"Is it conductive?" Video


Tom’s TEDx Talk video


Makers Making Change has some educational resources  (from Zee Kesler)


Go Baby Go is an AMAZING program developed at the Univ of Delaware (from Tom)


Here is another great HS project where the kids designed Makey Makey projects for other students on campus:


Resources for assistive tech that has a lot of resources for this!


The New Assistive Tech - Making Learning awesome for all!!

In case you're interested in the Adaptive Controller


Tom’s pressure switch!


More cool ideas for another OT! 

Here is a blow switch: 


Makers Making Change   


Video is here from that Access Makeathon


Full video of Rashmi: 

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