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Makey Makey A-MAZE-ing Challenge

June 29, 2021

A-Maze-ing Together 

Since Makey Makey's inception 9 years ago, we've seen some aMazing mazes! In 2013, David Alcoba from @VailetsHackLab designed "Parella d'equilibristes"or "Couple of balancers" also known as "Joined Together." 

Here is a link to the Makey Journey that won our challenge in 2013.


A-Maze-ing Inspiration

David's guide inspired Frazer McKay ( an amazing teacher in Scotland) to create a roll up maze that his students could make and take to new places! 

Make Your Own Portable Maze

A-Maze-ing Collaborative Sensory Maze

Then in 2019, Colleen inspired by both Frazer and David, created a collaborative sensory maze for a local school's STREAM day event!

"The final game for STEAM day was this oversized Collaborative Makey Makey Sensory Maze.  Last year, one of our Makey Makey ambassadors, Fraser Mckay, created a guide for making a roll-up Makey Makey maze. It really inspired me because of the portability and sustainable aspect of it, and I thought it would be great to mash up with sensory paths I've seen schools putting in hallways to help fidgety students with concentration. 
Each player walks a conductive pathway and both players need to maintain the connection by holding hands. The have to work together to figure out the sensory movements (smell the flowers, skip the insulators, etc) needed to get through this "maze" without breaking their connection."

Collaborative Makey Makey Sensory Maze




Colleen even took the maze to a Pi-Top Jam and it was a huge success with the kids who attended! The physicality of the game combined with the Makey Makey magic produced a Flappy Bird effect! The kids enjoyed playing over and over!



Design Hive LA even made their own version of this sensory mat for their launch event (pre-COVID)!



Now it's your turn!

July #MakeyMakeyChallenge 

Summertime is the best to time to dream and innovate! How can you Makey Makey a maze? How will you reinvent a maze experience with a Makey Makey?

Enter this challenge by posting your creations on social media, use the #MakeyMakeyChallenge hashtag, and make sure to tag our social account!

We will select a winner August 1st. Winner will receive 3 Makey Makey Classic Collector Kits and a runner up will win 2 Makey Makey Classic Collector Kits.



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