Get ready for your New Year's Party with our DIY Party Pack!
Since Makey Makey's inception 9 years ago, we've seen some aMazing mazes! In 2013, David Alcoba from @VailetsHackLab designed "Parella d'equilibristes"or "Couple of balancers" also known as "Joined Together."
Here is a link to the Makey Journey that won our challenge in 2013.
No me puedo creer que el juego con el que ganamos el @makeymakey challenge en 2013 aún sirva de inspiración. Muchas ganas de ver qué sale de esa jam @drnlab !!
— David Alcoba (@davidalcoba) June 12, 2021
David's guide inspired Frazer McKay ( an amazing teacher in Scotland) to create a roll up maze that his students could make and take to new places!
Then in 2019, Colleen inspired by both Frazer and David, created a collaborative sensory maze for a local school's STREAM day event!
Collaborative @makeymakey sensory maze in action! @scratch #makered #STEM #STEAM #STREAM @DeepWood_RRISD
— Colleen Graves (@gravescolleen) October 11, 2019
Colleen even took the maze to a Pi-Top Jam and it was a huge success with the kids who attended! The physicality of the game combined with the Makey Makey magic produced a Flappy Bird effect! The kids enjoyed playing over and over!
I had so much fun sharing my @makeymakey sensory maze at @GetPiTop tonight! So cool to see kids having so much fun! #sorryaboutthesasquatchfootage
— Colleen Graves (@gravescolleen) November 16, 2019
Design Hive LA even made their own version of this sensory mat for their launch event (pre-COVID)!
Now it's your turn!
Summertime is the best to time to dream and innovate! How can you Makey Makey a maze? How will you reinvent a maze experience with a Makey Makey?
Enter this challenge by posting your creations on social media, use the #MakeyMakeyChallenge hashtag, and make sure to tag our social account!
We will select a winner August 1st. Winner will receive 3 Makey Makey Classic Collector Kits and a runner up will win 2 Makey Makey Classic Collector Kits.