Be stoked with Makey Makey and our Code-a-Key Backpack (micro:bit adapter)!!!
It's New Project November! Every week in November we are sharing new projects to try with your Makey Makey Invention Kit. Share your own ideas on social with #NewProjectNovember
On Twitter last week we were blown away by April's Interactive Sit and Reach project. This project was designed for the collaborative Adapted PE project with NCHPAD, Trussville City Schools, Birmingham City Schools, and ALSDE PE.
Excited to shared with PE Ts at ASAHPERD how STEM, PE, and SpEd Ts collaborate to create interactive resources so all students actively participate in PE! Tactile interactive sit & reach board w/@makeymakey & game programmed in @scratch & video sensing basketball w/Makey Makey.
— aprilpc (@aprilpc) November 14, 2022
In April's Scratch game for Sit and Reach, the goal is to help a super hero fly inch by inch to reach the top of a building. As you physically reach to 1 inch, the hero flies closer to his goal. If you can reach all the way to 8 inches, he will make it to the top of the building!
We thought this was so fun! We wanted to share another way to code to this where you can track how many students can reach each marker. To do this, you will create a variable for each inch marker and change the variable by key press.
1 inch | SPACE |
2 inches | UP arrow |
3 inches | DOWN arrow |
4 inches | LEFT arrow |
5 inches | RIGHT arrow |
6 inches | W |
7 inches | A |
8 inches | S |
Simplify this process by using our Makey Max Backpack! This expansion board allows you to plug into the back of your Makey Makey Invention Kit and make the back of the board alligator clippable! You can even use more inputs by remapping the mouse controls to number key presses, giving you a total of 18 inputs you can code and control!
Check out the amazing ideas from Eric Turrill for using Makey Makey to integrate STEM in the gym. Extending on Eric's work, what if you challenged students to build and code STEM in the Gym projects? Here's our STEM in the Gym Challenge guide for an extended challenge to try with your students. This introduces students to using Makey Makey and then learning to code variables in Scratch.