Be stoked this school year! Bring Makey Makey to your classroom.
Sewolab is a Turkish company that offers professional trainings on STEM, Makey Makey, and Montessori activities for children aged 3 - 12. They sent us this great project about creating your own dPad (or stylus for Scratch.) Translated here so you can make your own version!
Nowadays, so many people use smart phones and tablets with drawing tools like designers. I use Samsung Note Series and S Pen. I came up with this project as I was thinking about preparing a new project with my Makey Makey for my students. I was playing my S Pen and I had an idea. Why don't I design an S Pen and Tablet Screen or Smartphone Screen with Scratch and Makey Makey?
I started to search how can I do it and what will I need for this project. I have created a to do list immediately. So, what we need to create it?
Stick 7 different strips of aluminum tape on the cardboard.
The first tape length will go across the whole dPad. When you code this input in Scratch, you will define it as "Move 10 steps"
Make sure the next strip of tape doesn't touch the top tape. This tape will be defined as "turn 90 degrees to the left." (The green alligator clip in the picture.) Next to that tape place another tape that you will code to be "turn 90 degrees to the right."
The third row of tape, you will code the left tape to be "turn 120 degrees to the left" and then on the right side, code the tape to "turn 1 degree to the right." This input will allow you to draw a circle.
On the last row of tape, the left tape input should be coded "Turn 30 degrees to the left."
Code the tape on the right to "erase all"
Lastly, you should cover a paint brush or chopstick with with aluminum tape from the handle to the brush tip.
Now you can create your drawing tool on Scratch.
Here is how to hook up Makey Makey.
Here is my Scratch project if you want to check your code!
Your Makey Makey dPad is ready. Plug your Makey Makey into your computer and now you can draw whatever you want by using your painting brush as a pencil.