Get ready for your New Year's Party with our DIY Party Pack!
Makey Makey is a classic! Maybe you used one when you were a kid? We’d like to share some memories from our community!
We are looking for young people (tweens, teens, 20-somethings) who are willing to share a memory of their first experience (or an early experience) of Makey Makey by looking back and remembering what it was like, what you were feeling or learning to make. Maybe sharing how Makey Makey led you to new discoveries or studying coding, invention, etc in school?
We are seeking some short video submissions of your Makey Makey memories! Record your video however you’d like and send us a link to your video in the form.
We will be gathering videos until November 15th. Then we are going to compile our favorite videos to share online!
If we feature your video, we will send you a free Makey Makey Classic kit and some super special collectible swag!