Be stoked with Makey Makey and our Code-a-Key Backpack (micro:bit adapter)!!!
Collect Basic Items |
The first step in creating anything is collecting your materials. For mixing the graphite paint, you need more tools and containers than actual materials. Collect the following basic items:
Pro Tip: Before mixing your conductive paint, we recommend covering your work surface by taping down butcher paper over it as well as wearing nitrile gloves. Graphite powder can be quite messy and time consuming to completely clean off of textured worktable surfaces. When you are done, just throw the butcher paper away! |
Collect Paint Ingredients |
To create conductive paint you need 2 different materials from the art store or your favorite online shopping site. A couple of notes on both of these materials if you have never used them before… Matte Medium
Graphite Powder
When assessing the amount of each material to source, you will be mixing them in a 1:2 ratio of medium to powder by volume to start with. So, you will need twice as much powder as binder! Pro Tip: We tried different artists' mediums, please see the reference notes on the ones we tested and those outcomes. |
Mix Your Paint |
The mixing process is pretty straight forward and a similar process to making pancake batter or mixing any other powder into a liquid. We recommend the following process:
Test Your Paint |
With your paint thoroughly mixed, it is now time to test it out! Grab a paint brush and a piece of scrap paper. Using the brush, paint a line across the sheet with a shape at the end of it. The paint should go on thick enough that you shouldn’t see any paper (white) through your brush mark. For this step, you can create multiple lines of varying lengths, widths and shapes. The main idea is to be able to test your paint’s conductive uses with your Makey Makey. The more variations you have, the more it will inform how you use the paint in an invention or project. Let the paint dry completely, then pull out your Makey Makey and a few alligator clips! To test your paint we will use the “Is It Conductive” app on the Makey Makey website. Open the app by navigating to the following link: With the app open, plug your Makey Makey into your computer's USB Port. It should respond with the happy blinking green LEDs! Using 2 different alligator clips; clip one alligator clip to EARTH and one end of the second clip to the SPACE pad on the Makey Makey. Test them to make sure they are connected by touching their two free ends to one another. The app should sound an alarm if everything is hooked up and working properly: BEEEEP!!!! You are good to go! Now, using those free ends of the alligator clips, touch either end of your paint line with an alligator clip. You should get the same outcome of the app sounding the alarm and confirming that your paint is conductive! If the app doesn’t respond to you touching the painted line, don’t panic! Here are a few things to check!
Use Your Conductive Paint |
You successfully created and tested your conductive paint. Now, it is time to put it to good use! Here are a few projects that we recommend you look at using your conductive paint with…
Storing Your Conductive Paint |
All good things must come to an end, even using and playing with your conductive paint. But, that doesn’t mean you have to throw it all away and start over again when you want to come back to it. You can store it for a while in an airtight container, just like normal paint! We recommend storing your conductive paint in a glass container that fits the amount of paint you have left for long term storage. If you have a large container with a little paint, the paint will still dry out. We recommend baby food jars or something similar to that. Your size will depend on the amount of paint you have. If you are looking to store your paint for a few days, you can use small plastic containers (usually used for condiments or sauces) that have lids. You can find these in the grocery store, or reuse clean containers from last night's take-out dinner. Your paint should last a few months in a well sealed container. The next time you open it, be sure to stir it really well, as the graphite powder may have started to separate from the medium, maybe add a bit of matte medium to thin it out and make it a little more workable. Now the worst part… Cleanup! The good thing is that the clean up process is the same as if you used basic acrylic paints. Warm soapy water is best for your brushes. Be sure to rinse them thoroughly before using it. If you used disposable containers to mix your paint, transfer as much paint to your long term storage containers and then throw the disposable container away. Wash your hands after you are done! |
Other Mediums |
You know we couldn’t just make basic paint! When we saw the different textures and artists' pastes, the jars were at the cash register before we could even think about it! Here are our findings using different artists' pastes… What we tried… With some of these artist’s pastes, we know and understand that they can be expensive when compared to basic paints or even just the matte medium. We wanted to experiment and find the boundaries of conductive paints made through this process for you, so that you have options and can build something amazing with the information we have gathered and tested! |
We hope that this guide empowers you to mix your own conductive paint and give it a try with your Makey Makey! The opportunity to create circuits on any surface is amazing, and beckons for large, wall-sized projects! When you create a big project with Makey Makey and conductive paint, please share it with us on social media! We love seeing them and they are always so inspiring.