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Language Arts Riddle/Logic Puzzle with Scratch

With just a little programming instruction, your students will be able to incorporate real life objects with rhyming riddles to construct an interactive logic puzzle using Scratch and Makey Makey! By combining logic with riddles, you can build a complex Scratch game even if you are a new coder!

Lesson Objectives and Overview

Lesson Objectives

  • Learn the literacy of coding with drag and drop programming
  • Use "when block" to create logical sequence and program keyboard keys to ask and answer riddles
  • Create logical expressions to work with Makey Makey and conductive materials
  • Use pen tool to draw geometric patterns in Scratch
  • Craft riddles and rhyme schemes to create a logic puzzle
  • Storyboard a Scratch game and revise for the most logical sequence
  • Write a logical sequence of events for Scratch game

This was written as a lesson plan for teachers in 2014.

The goal of this project is to set up conductive objects as answers to riddles. Students will learn to code the objects so that once you touch an object, it will ask the next riddle.

This game is created to be played with real life objects by hooking them to a Makey Makey.

Here is a pic of what my set up looks like:

Here is what you would need to hook up to play this Scratch Game:

  • Copper tape- Space 
  • Binder Clip- Down Arrow
  • Round object- Right Arrow
  • House Key- Up Arrow
  • Water- Left Arrow
  • Metal Duck- W key



The first thing you need to do learn about how Scratch works! This tutorial has pictures from Scratch 2. Here are tutorials for Scratch 3!

The first step to Scratching is learning to program keys for a Sprite (character in game) and creating dialogue for your Sprite.

  1. Sign into Scratch.
  2. Familiarize yourself with the Scratch work area.


More Scratch

Familiarize yourself with the Scripts (Blocks) for this program.

Trigger Events with When Blocks

Make your character speak by using "Say blocks" from the Looks palette.

Make your character move on the screen in the Motion palette.


Pick a Sprite & Backdrop

Pick a sprite and a backdrop - or make your own! 


When Block

When Block: All games need to start somewhere, and the first thing you need to do is program your game to start by dragging a "When (Green Flag) Block" to your "Scripts" area for your main Sprite.


Looks Palette

To program your Sprite to speak, click on the "Looks" palette in the Scripts area to find a "say Hello! block." Change "hello" to a funny riddle. Drag the purple block to your "When (Flag) clicked" until it clicks together. You can click on your script to run it and see how it functions. 


Draw A Geometrical Shape

You can make your game draw geometrical shapes when someone correctly answers your riddle. To do this, you'll need to use the Pen tool.


Code The Shape

Here is the code I used to draw a circle. Try drawing other geometric shapes. What code will you need to make a square? Or a flower?


Program To "Show"

 If you create multiple levels or use multiple sprites, you'll have to program your sprite to "show" (located in the Looks palette).

To make your character start in the same spot when you start the game, grab a "go to x: y:" block in the Motion Palette.


Coding Logic

Small bits of code that can create complex games.

  • If/Then Statements are a great way to code logical steps in a game. IF I press the right arrow, then do this. You could do a whole project and lesson just on if/then statements.  Check out this great explanation and writing lesson here.
  • Repeat Block is used to make an action happen multiple times. You can put scripts inside the repeat block that you want to loop a specific number of times0. This is how I had the butterfly draw a flower in my game. A reapeat block can be useds to create motion and all kinds of effects.



Before you make your game, you might want to create a storyboard. Since we are pushing buttons to answer riddles and ask new questions, it will be easier to make a flowing storyboard, then trying to hold all those logical answers in your brain!

Each question should flow to a new question. In my game, touching the tape led to the binder clip which led to the round clip which led to the key which led to the glass of water! Whew! 

Here are some of the riddles I used in my game:

"I bend and fold, so your chips won't get old" (chip clip)

"I'm feeling so low, can you make a flower grow?" (touch water)

"You might try with your fist to beat down the door, but just a simple twist is all it takes, to lead you to a new floor." (key)

Put it Together

Use your Scratch coding skills and storyboard to create the full logic puzzle

Attach your Makey Makey to the computer and then use alligator clips from each object to the correct key inputs on your Makey Makey. Hit the green flag on Scratch and play your new puzzle game!

Here's a link of my game on Scratch:

Click here to remix this project on Scratch



Storyboard from Goochland County Public Schools. Visit their site for planning, lessons, and great ideas on utilizing Scratch in the classroom!

Marji, Majed. Learn to Program with Scratch: A Visual Introduction to Programming with Games, Art, Science, and Math. , 2014. Print.

Walter, John Paul. "What Am I? Teaching Poetry through Riddles - ReadWriteThink." NCTE. Web. 


Time Investment
Up to 1 hour
3- 12+


  • Makey Makey
  • Assortment of conductive materials (metal objects, marshmallows, water, etc)
  • Scratch account


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