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Be stoked with Makey Makey and our Code-a-Key Backpack (micro:bit adapter)!!!
Inspired by Makey Makey Operation game and cardboard sorting machine workshop by Jeff Branson of Sparkfun, you'll finally have a reason to make an Operation game, ahem, I mean sorting game with Makey Makey!
Lesson Objectives |
NOTE: This project was written to be used by teachers as a lesson plan Lesson Objectives Lesson A: Classifying Shapes
Lesson A: Creating Shapes and Shape Sorter |
Lesson A: Create a corresponding game in Scratch |
Scratch link https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/71542414/ Click here to remix the project on Scratch.
This will further cement the math vocabulary in their head!
Lesson A: Trade and play! |
Lesson B: Classifying Triangles |
Scratch link https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/71600476/ Click here to remix the project in Scratch Maybe your students don't have time to make a board game, but you still want them to create a sorting activity. In this lesson, students can make a simple sorting poster by drawing shapes with a pencil!
Lesson B: Triangle Guide |
Extensions (Optional) |
Create an "Operation style" taxonomy sorter with kingdom, pyhlum, genus and species for ten different organisms. Make a correlating dichotomous key game in Scratch to help identify each organism. Students could easily hack this taxonomy lesson with Makey Makey by creating an Operation style flow chart that shows the taxonomic structure of these organisms. Then they could record the made up taxa names in Scratch, so that when an organism is placed in the right slot, the game would say the made up name.
Resources |
Evolution & Taxonomy. The Biology Corner. Taxonomy Project. Biology Corner. Triangle Formulas, Lessons and Links. Math Warehouse |
Art, Math, Computational Thinking, Makerspace, Drawing, Poster