Be stoked this school year! Bring Makey Makey to your classroom.
As we head back into another unique school year, we found ourselves thinking...
To find the answer to this question, we set up a webinar with STEM specialist Chris Singer to learn how he used ideas from our Makey Makey workshop to motivate his campers to problem solve and figure out how to create musical instruments, game controllers, and more!
In this engaging webinar, he shares Makey Makey literacy ideas and more ideas on how you can bring the fun of summer camp into your classroom!
Interactive PosterThis activity allows you to combine Makey Makey and Scratch to create an interactive poster. While designing your own interactive poster, you will investigate how circuits work. Plus, you'll begin to think about user interface design and how it is important when designing physical computing projects. |
Interactive Drawing ChallengeCreate an interactive drawing that teaches something! Take this quick design challenge to teach us about anything you are passionate about! Connect your drawing to our Makey Makey Sampler app to plug and play, or code your drawings to speak with Scratch! |
Have older kids design projects/games for younger studentsChris talked about having students design projects and Shark Tank their ideas. Here is a loose facilitation guide for challenging students to make projects/games for younger students. |
Sketch it Play it PoetryWhen students record their voices for poetry, they instill tone and voice you rarely hear when they are just reciting poetry in class. |
Black Out PoetryUse old book pages to create interactive blackout poetry. This is a great intro to Makey Makey project for high school students! |
Hula Hoop: Assistive Tech DeviceWhen challenging students to create game controllers, bring as many random objects into the room as you can! Try going to the dollar store or thrift store to look for things that people will pick up and say, "I have an idea!" Include things like hula hoops, BBQ tongs, a squeaky toy, a funny hat, a toy fishing rod - any of these things could become a new kind of game controller or musical instrument! |