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InfyPathfinders Workshop- Check out these amazing teacher projects!

February 18, 2021

This past weekend, we led a three day intensive workshop with U.S. Public school teachers thanks to the Infosys Infy Pathfinders Winter Institute. 

Tom Heck and Colleen Graves led these teachers through a blended workshop from our dynamic in person workshop and our online course work. (



Teachers drew circuits, made cardboard guitars, hacked toys, created tilt sensors and were challenged to create an invention to help solve a problem!

Workshop Projects


Interactive Posters with Scratch and Makey Makey (See this guide to make your own.)



Coding Poetry

Code Poetry with this beginner guide or this more advanced poem generator guide



Learning about Sensors and Switches

Craft and design switches in our intermediate online course in this guide


Invention Challenges 

Check out Marie's talking posters!

Tina wanted to invent something to help her daughter check her bedtime routine.

Tabitha invented a Brailler! What a great DIY assistive device!

Julie wanted to create a COVID safe dice roller. Check out this amazing invention that allows students to roll dice with their feet by pressing a switch that rolls the dice on Scratch!

Stephanie wanted to make all families feel welcome at her school. She invented a welcoming sound board!

Karen wanted to create a project where students could remember to clean up before leaving the classroom!

Check out Jen and Kelley's talking horse!

Brittany created a responsibility chart.

 Jerri created a fun interactive poster to teach students about narwhals!

Teachers will love Amy's virtual teaching assistant!

Rosie created a check your feelings at the door board.

Leslie created an exit ticket tracker. Students complete a math problem and leave their answer as an exit ticket out the door. Scratch and Makey Makey will allow her to see how many kids in her class get the right answer!

Tiffany's boomwhacker xylophone is so fun! Check out her inventive use of materials.

Miranda created a great "feeling" door check in with Scratch and Makey Makey!

Rebecca's project focuses on creating an assistive device for a visually impaired student.

Sidney made a jukebox for her library!


Patti delved into the world of paper circuits to create an interactive history of historic Pullman.

Caitlin created a touch and learn model of a concentric castle.

Dawn created a model of an interactive bulletin board she wants to create for her school.

Penni created a happy sad board for the self contained classroom students that come to visit her classroom.

Martha's invention helps her students learn to sing in the round! How cool is that?

Learn to Sing in a Round from Martha Cannon on Vimeo.


It was such a challenging but inspiring three day workshop and we can't wait to see what these teachers Makey Makey with their students!


Applications for our summer workshop are now open


 Apply for our summer workshop with Infy Pathfinders 

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