ISTE 2019 Wrap Up!

July 03, 2019


We had so much fun in Philly last week at ISTE in our largest booth yet! We shared Makey Makey inventions, and teachers tried out GameBender and gave us some really stellar feedback. 

DIY Demo Inventions

On our Makey Makey side, we shared some demos of classroom inventions that combine invention literacy with everyday curriculum. Here's a few of our favorites:

  • Fraction Guide: Combine math and physical computing- this is a quick and magical project!

  • Distance Rate and Time: Hack ye olde Hot-Wheels lesson with some physical computing! Use office supplies to build timing gates and Scratch to create timers and even equations.
  • Tilt Board: Guide coming soon! (Tilt board sensor designed by Aaron Graves and inspired by John Lynch)

  • Portable Piano: Build a floor piano on a yoga mat and take it wherever you wanna go!


Almost the whole team came out for ISTE to share GameBender and get teacher feedback. (We missed you Beth, Rachel. and Sean!) Bringing GameBender helped us with ideas for tweaking our new offering to be an awesome teachable coding tool. Stay tuned or sign up here for notifications on GameBender!

Our Teacher Volunteers!

We had some amazing teachers working in our booth this year! The coolest thing about them is they brought their own teaching knowledge, great attitudes, AND Makey Makey inventions they'd made with students! We'd like to thank Becca Gratz, Julie Kuzma, Angela Sheenan, Ian Matty, Christopher Sweeney, Laura Roth, and Michael Fricano for sharing their awesome at ISTE! We would be nothing without teachers like ya'll using Makey Makey in the classroom. 

Ian Matty shares his "Preschool proof" Makey Makey. He promises he'll be making a guide for it soon.  

Plus, we just have to share these amazing cookies that Becca Gratz and Julie Kuzma brought us!

These teachers are so awesome, they even went home and made new Makey Makey projects after ISTE! We can't wait for next year!


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Wanna catch Makey Makey at your next conference? We have training partners all over the US. Find a workshop near you! Just head over to our Professional Development page!

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