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Makey Makey Holiday Projects

December 07, 2020

We've been seeing some really fun holiday project ideas and wanted to share them with you!

Magical Menorah

We've featured Johnny Tal and his amazing work before (see here) and we just love this magical musical Menorah he made for Hanukkah.

Want to make your own? Johnny shares how in this video!

Maker Tool Smashing from Sam Yancey







Holiday Door Display

Last year, educator Natalie Markey made this awesome Holiday Door Display on Instructables  for Chrismahanakwanzika. See our post here or head to Instructables to make your own.


From our Facebook Educator Group

From Jamie Gates

"Our Makey Makey Christmas piano is almost done!! Ahh I can’t wait!! We’re hybrid and I done see my STEAM class again until Tuesday. We just need to attach the keys to the Makey Makey and it will be all set.
We’re using scratch on a raspberry pi that will be in the hallway hooked up to the Makey Makey. To the left of the bulletin board is a Bluetooth speaker that will play the sounds. I’m just praying we don’t end up going remote before we get it finished. 😬
For now it will just be a piano, if we have time, I want to get the lights rigged so they flash with each note. And it would be awesome to have three auto play buttons so people could just press a button and have the song play on its own."

Hacking Holiday String Lights

Learn to hack LED light strings to light up only on certain key presses. This is a hack that uses Makey Makey in a completely unconventional way! This is an advanced guide for makers who want to try something a little wacky!


Virtual Dreidel Game

Makey Makey Christmas lights

Check out this Instructables by Rebecca Gratz where her students performed a Makey Makey light show for their annual holiday performance.


Whack an Elf

Shaun Taylor shares how he challenged his students to create a Whack an Elf game for Hour of Code in this blog post.  

 Check out this Whack an Elf project at school!



25 days of Making

Makey Makey Ambassador Aaron Mauer creates a collaborative Google Site every year to promote 25 days of Making. We were honored to share (and find) some Makey Makey ideas!


Makey Your own Ugly Christmas Sweater by Mark Schreiber 

Mark shares how to Makey an ugly christmas sweater in this post on Adafruit's blog!


Makey Makey Holiday Cards

Here is a really quick and easy Instructables for making interactive greeting cards. 

More holiday Makey Makey cards we found on Twitter.




Santa Trap!

Make a Santa Trap to set an alarm when cookies get picked up!

Here is an Intstructables by OT and Makey Makey ambassador Jennifer Schank, and a sweet tweet where her young inventor explains how it works!




Makey Makey Christmas Tree!

We've seen a lot of great examples of these over the years!






 Ode to Joy



Interactive Sheet Music with Makey Makey and makeymakey.com/piano ! What sheet music should we make next? ##odetojoychallenge ##OdeToJoy ##MakeyMakey

♬ original sound - Makey Makey



What will you Makey Makey this holiday season? 

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