Top Blog Posts of 2018!

December 28, 2018

Top Blog Posts

1. Makey Your Own Interactive Exit Ticket/Voting Machine

Colleen was challenged on Twitter to make an informal exit rating machine for teachers. Check out this post describing the challenge and how other teachers are hacking this guide

2. Introducing our 2018/2019 Makey Makey Ambassador Class

We are so proud of our new global ambassadors! This post introduces you to each awesome maker educator and their Labz guides!

3.Light Physical Computing with Makey Makey and Scratch

This summer we combined forces with Year in the Making to offer a webinar/chat on physical computing. See this post to check out ways to start physical computing by grade level. 

4. Hour of Code and Beyond!

We love hour of code in December, but we think it's important to teach problem solving all year long. This post details some ideas for hour of code and beyond!

5. Featured Educator Posts

Check out the different posts on featured educators this year! We've focused on teachers who believe in getting kids active, teachers who get kids to make interactive art, and even occupational therapists using Makey Makey with clients!

We can't wait to hop into 2019!

(Image from Karen Wylie at The Thinkery - Check out this Labz Guide to make your own! 

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