Be stoked this school year! Bring Makey Makey to your classroom.
We posted about #VestBuddy in 2019 when these amazing 5th graders started this "coolest project" in Jill Berrner's class.
This is one of the best things ever! Check out these 6th graders #vestbuddy invention using Makey Makey and Raspberry Pi! @Raspberry_Pi @JillBerrner @BreaOlindaUSD
— Makey Makey (@makeymakey) April 26, 2019
This past weekend, we were able to hear these wonderful inventors discuss how they've continued to update and prototype new assistive technology vests to help their friend Justin communicate when playing soccer or running around at recess.
Check out this video from their teacher on the making of Vest Buddy!
Jill and her students combined empathy and design thinking and it really shines through in this heart felt and functional project!
Here are more articles and videos were you can see Vest Buddy in action: