Be stoked with Makey Makey and our Code-a-Key Backpack (micro:bit adapter)!!!
As we head back to school this fall in all its new incarnations, we know that hands-on learning and STEM education face new challenges. It’s time to start brainstorming innovative ways to keep our students engaged, creating, making, and coding. In this new webinar series, we’ll be reaching out to educators all over the world to see how they are tackling these challenges in the era of COVID-19.
Our first webinar was a great success! But if you missed it, don't fret, you can view it below.
This first dynamic panel of ladies in STEM discussed teaching hands-on learning from a distance. From literacy maker kits and brown bag STEAM projects, to teaching the Engineering and Design process with a blended learning style.
Valerie Perez is a 6th grade STEAM teacher, Academic Coach and Fab Lab Facilitator in McFarland, California. She is a 3D printing enthusiast with a passion for design thinking.
Cicely A. Day is the the Fab Lab Coach for West Contra Costa School District. She is a speaker, presenter, and writer. She is also the 2016 ISTE Equity PLN Award winner and the 2020 CUE Gold Disk winner!
Paula Mitchell is an elementary school teacher on special assignment for maker-centered learning in Oakland, California. Her work is focused on culturally responsive making and authentic inclusion for students in underserved and underrepresented communities. Paula also serves as the Co-Director for Agency by Design Oakland which promotes student agency by working at the intersection of teacher leadership, inquiry-based professional development, and maker-centered learning.
Join our second panel discussion as we discuss making as a family, 3D printing from a distance, and setting intentions for maximizing remote learning through synchronous and asynchronous activities. This dynamic team will talk about hands on activities for kindergarten through 6th grade students!
Kimberly Boyce-Quentin is a K-5 STEAM Lab teacher in Houston, TX. Her Project Based Learning classes integrate environmental stewardship and the fine and performing arts.
Jesus Huerta teaches 5th/6th grade in Calexico, California. He believes technology should be for everyone and making it accessible to all students levels the playing field, which leads us towards true equity in learning!
Bradley Quentin teaches PK-5 STEM lab in Houston, TX. He enjoys engaging students in cross-curricular projects that develop their physical and digital making skills.
Gerald Smith is a Catholic School Principal, educator, husband, chemist, physicist, biologist, avid traveler, and renaissance man.
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